What are the typical podcast management tasks?

Podcast management encompasses everything from making sure the customer’s goals are being reached, to managing the actual podcast production timeline itself.  Podcast management is a full end-to-end service. The podcast agency needs to make sure they’re representing their customers in a great way, and that includes the podcast guests and host having a positive experience as well. We’ll dive into what some typical podcast management tasks look like, as well as typical podcast roles and responsibilities.

What is podcast management

Podcast management in a B2B podcast agency is centered around a Customer Success Manager (CSM). Your Customer Success Manager is the main point of contact when you sign up with an agency to create a podcast. Many people have a misconception that podcast management is a short process, however in reality, it’s a two to three month process of working with a customer through show conception, creative assets, and production to make sure the team is creating a successful podcast when the first episode launches. The team also works to make sure the customer has everything they need to promote their podcast.

What does podcast management include?

A typical day for a Customer Success Manager, who sits at the center of podcast management, can vary depending on what projects are going on. 

If a show is in the middle of production, the CSM team is focused on the upcoming three to four episodes, and is looking ahead to the next few months of production. 

There are several things happening in the background between episodes, in terms of production, audio, and creative deliverables. CSMs start to go through the podcast management process episode by episode with the customer, usually starting with guest management. This means that CSMs are often working with guests’ PR teams to better understand the guests’ talk track, branding, and get a feel for the episode. Overall, they make sure the process runs smoothly.

What staff do you need for a podcast?

When a customer chooses to work with a podcast agency like Caspian Studios, they get a great team that comes along with it. There’s a huge team that supports getting everything ready from the customer success point of view, but also the creative and production elements as well.

You can approach a podcast launch in three different buckets:

  1. Customer Success. Customer success is focused on making sure all of the business goals of the customer are getting accomplished. Each customer gets a dedicated customer success manager. 
  2. Production. The production team makes sure a great podcast is being produced — everything from the sound to the content itself needs to be clear, so the audience is able to learn something new. A supervising producer and a creative producer are part of every podcast launch team. The creative producer works on the actual show’s branding and creative assets, including album cover artwork, and music transitions. 
  3. Guest Management. Guest management includes guest outreach, when the agency finds new guests to join each episode of the customer’s podcast, and continued communication and collaboration with guests until the episode is produced and launched. This also includes some coaching elements to help the show’s host and guest be comfortable speaking on various topics.

How many people work on a podcast?

Overall, the podcast launch team is made up of around seven team members who all work together to produce a world-class podcast. These team members may include: a Customer Success Manager, Supervising Producer, Assistant Producer, Creative Producer, a Host Coach, Growth Marketer, and PR lead. 

The team’s ultimate purpose is to make sure all of the customer’s needs and goals are being met with their show. 

Contact us today to learn more!

This blog was written with consultation from Kyle Rusca, Chief Customer Officer at Caspian Studios.

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